2013 World T.E.A.M. Sports Annual Review
Since 1987, World T.E.A.M. Sports has used athletics to challenge disabled men, women and children to accomplish goals they never thought possible. Through every World T.E.A.M. Sports event, the disabled are a moving inspiration to able-bodied participants and to spectators. For 2013, the organization focused on expanding the definition of “Team” from beyond the participating athletes to everyone involved in making the sporting events possible. Volunteers, fundraisers, board members, spectators, and sponsors all play a part in the greater whole.
We interviewed individual members of the organization and shared their personal stories of growth and change from participating. Introducing each of the stories is a photographic spread of items the individual carried with them during their experience. The arrangement of sporting gear, gloves, sunglasses, apparel, buttons, flags and water canteens reinforces the theme of separate pieces each having an important role in achieving the greater vision.