Nutshell is a Business to Business CRM application that offers the features, tools, tips, and support sales reps need to win more deals. While many CRMs boast data-driven dashboards, analytical charts, and task tracking tools, Nutshell was interested in positioning their brand as a positive relationship-building support tool that’s easy for sale’s teams to adopt. Bright colors, soft font, hand drawn notes, and a custom photo shoot gave the site the friendly feel you would look for in a sales rep while also showing off the robust bells and whistles of the CRM’s capabilities.
The site was designed to be very customizable for their in-house design and content team through the CMS, even allowing them to alter templates and swap styles. This led us to design a system of components that the client could pull from for future pages. As a result, they have more flexibility in editing the site content as they evolve.
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